Sharon Township is dedicated to the protection of our streams and water resources and we encourage our residents to support these efforts. We have been a part of the Franklin County Stormwater Partnership program since 2003 to work regionally to address drainage management, water quality management and stormwater regulation compliance. Partners included are the County Drainage Engineer, Economic Development and Planning, Sanitary Engineer, Public Health, Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District and 17 townships.  For more information on our stormwater program visit:

We all have an important role in the protection of our streams and water quality. Please minimize your impacts by:

  • removing yard waste and leaves from street gutters and storm drains;
  • using fertilizers and pesticides sparingly and properly, and sweeping all excess off sidewalks, driveways and streets; for more information visit
  • bagging pet waste and disposing of waste in the trash
  • directing downspouts to rain barrels or rain gardens; visit
  • planting native trees, shrubs and perennials; visit
  • washing your car on grass, gravel or at a car wash;
  • maintaining your aerator and septic system; for more information on managing sewage treatment systems visit:
  • reporting all pollution and spills appropriately (see below)
  • encouraging community groups to support our work with a stream clean-up, tree planting or another activity. If you know of an interested group, please contact us.

If you see someone putting anything down a storm drain or directly into a stream or river and you have a license plate number, home address or other identifier, call “It’s a Crime” at (614) 871-5322 or visit and select report illegal dumping. 
Chemical and petroleum spills: Call the Ohio EPA 24-hour hotline (800) 282-9378
Sewage related pollution: Call the Franklin County Public Health 24-hour hotline (614) 525-3965 or email
Agricultural or manure-related pollution: Call Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District (614) 486-9613 from 8:30 – 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday or use the “Contact Us” tab at

You can also contact Franklin Soil and Water about any non-emergency pollution and they will inform the proper agency.
The Franklin County Board of Commissioners has also provided residents with a mobile app that can be used to report water pollution including sending a location and a photograph. Download the free app at the iTunes store or at Google Play.  Search “Franklin County”.

What can you do to help prevent storm water pollution?


Illicit Discharge brochure_0

What is Storm Water Runoff